We will be providing updates as information becomes available through direct communication to families, here on our BCPS website, YouTube channel, and social media (Facebook, Instagram, & X (formerly Twitter).
You are invited to explore the resources and provide feedback on the textbooks the math team is considering for the math textbook adoption.
Dates to Choose From:
February 19th – 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
February 20th – 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM
February 21st – 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Bedford County Public Schools Administration Office – Main Conference Room
310 S. Bridge Street, Bedford, VA 24523
Can't attend one of these dates? You may contact a local school to set up a time to review the textbooks at their building during the month of February.
We look forward to your participation!
As we previously communicated, PowerSchool – a cloud-based software vendor used by Bedford County Public Schools – recently experienced a cybersecurity incident involving unauthorized access to certain information in the PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS).
We are reaching out to share
more information and next steps that we recently received directly from PowerSchool.
Kindergarten registratin beginns March 24, 2025 from 12:00-7:00 p.m. Families register at their assigned elementary school. Any child who will be five years old on or before September 30, 2025 may enter Kindergarten.
Kindergarten Registration Flier (PDF)
Kindergarten Registration Flier (MS Word)
Kindergarten Registration webpage
Preschool application intake for the 2025-26 school year will take place February 24 through April 25, 2025. The preschool application can be accessed on this website starting February 24. Applications submitted after April 25 will be filled on an as available basis.
Preschool Application Intake Flier (PDF)
Preschool Application Intake Flier (MS Word)
Preschool Application Intake webpage
Code 1 - Closed, Employee Code 1: No Employees Report
All BCPS activities are canceled, including athletic practices and competitions, trips, and any other events in school.
Code 2 - Closed, Employee Code 2: Essential Personnel Only Report
Custodians and designated maintenance and transportation staff report upon direction by the Maintenance and Transportation Supervisors. Principals should report as needed.
All BCPS activities are canceled, including athletic practices and competitions, trips and any other events in school.
Code 3 - Closed, Employee Code 3: Offices Opening at 10 a.m.
12 Month Employees and 11 Month Administrators report at 10 a.m. All other employees do not report. Essential personnel should report earlier as needed to ensure safe building access.
The Supervisor of Transportation will send notification by 11:00 AM if BCPS activities can be held that day.
2-Hour Delay
Essential personnel should report on time. All staff report on a two-hour delay.
Note: All Codes -- when students are not present for in-person instruction, offices close at 4 p.m.
These codes, along with snow routes, are posted on our website under the transportation section: https://bedford.sharpschool.net/departments/trans
In alignment with Governor Youngkin's Executive Order 33, Bedford County Schools will implement a new "bell-to-bell" no cell phone policy beginning January 1, 2025. This policy aims to create a focused and distraction-free learning environment for all students. Visit the Cell Phone Policy web page.
Please review the enrollment criteria below for both NEW and RETURNING students before making your selection.
Register as a NEW student if your child is:
- New to Bedford County Public Schools for the School Year 2024-2025 OR
- A former student - attended Bedford County Public Schools prior to June 1, 2023
Registration for a New Student
Register as a RETURNING student if your child was:
- Actively enrolled in Bedford County Public Schools during the 2023-2024 School Year and the current date
Registration for a Returning Student
NOTE: Please contact the school your child will be attending if you do not have a snapcode.
The Bedford County School Board will hold a Special Called Meeting/Work Session on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the School Administration Office Conference Room at 311 South Bridge Street, Bedford, VA 24523.
The purpose of this meeting is for the continued discussion and approval of the preliminary FY 2026 Budget.
All Board meetings are open to the public and are broadcast via live stream on the school division's YouTube channel.
The complete agenda can be accessed on